Hypertension Directly Increases The Risk of Heart Attack & Stroke
Hypertension is a chronic disease. It is also called High Blood Pressure. When the force of the blood against walls of your artery is high for a longer period of time, it may eventually cause health problems.
The heart of a person with high blood pressure work harder than usual, in order to pump blood to the whole body. This causes the left ventricle to thicken or stiffen, which limit’s the ventricle’s ability to pump blood. This condition can directly increase the risk of heart attack and sudden cardiac arrest.
Uncontrolled hypertension can also directly increase the risk of stroke by damaging and weakening your brain’s blood vessels, causing them to narrow, rupture or leak.

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Some other risks of hypertension include: Aneurysm, Dementia, Enlarged left heart, Kidney Disease etc.