Hidden Value of Corporate Wellness: Missed Medicine Equals Missed Productivity
Wellness programs are frequently considered to simply be a “nice benefit”, instead of being a strategic business model. This is because some of the benefits can be overlooked, let’s say a type of “hidden value of corporate wellness”. When used to its full potential the program can help reduce overall health care costs for the company and employees. For example, missed medicine can result in lost work days, lowered productivity, even extended leave. There are wellness platforms that offer medicine reminders, such as the CircleCare Corporate Wellness App.
Their app offers a range of different features and reward systems to encourage and motivate employees to not only work better, but live better. For instance, the Medicine Reminder feature allows employees to easily set up notifications that alert them when it is time to take their medication.
Why It’s Important?

Corporate Wellness App
When people are at work, they need to be focused on the task at hand, not the hand on the clock. This can easily cause employees to take their prescriptions late, or even forget about them completely until after their shift.
With the CircleCare app, you can take advantage of the hidden values of corporate wellness programs.
Hidden Value
Although this feature may sound simple, it can have a large impact on a large scale. Did you know, a simple headache can have a large negative impact work productivity? Now, imagine those with chronic conditions, such as arthritis, carpal tunnel, diabetics, or heart conditions. Taking medications late for these types of conditions could bring productivity to a stand-still, especially if the worker has to leave early.
Therefore, by providing employees an easy way to schedule reminders while at work, they have the opportunity to take their medicine on time, every time. In the long-term this can greatly increase the work flow, improve productivity and help the employee feel better.
Corporate Wellness
Major companies such as Johnson & Johnson have reportedly saved over $250 million through implementing these “nice benefits” for employees. Additionally, they reported over 2/3 of employees quit smoking since 1995.
Plantation, Florida reported a large portion of city employees had chronic health conditions, including type 2 diabetes, heart disease, high blood sugar, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure. Since implementing their wellness program in 2010, Plantation has reportedly saved $4 million in healthcare costs and absent employees.
According the CDC, in 2016 the United States employee absenteeism rates had reportedly resulted in $2 billion in corporate loss.
If you have not yet implemented a wellness program, CircleCare Corporate Wellness App offers much more than a basic program, it offers an entire platform of features that can benefit both company’s and employees. Put a stop to something simple as forgetting to take medication cause reduced employee productivity and increased employee absenteeism. Visit CircleCare today.