Motivation – what it really means?



Everyone struggles with motivation at some point in their life, whether it is the motivation to stick to a diet, the motivation to start a new exercise regimen, the motivation to finish that great American novel, or the motivation to start a new hobby. Sometimes it can even be the motivation to just get out of bed in the morning. We all need motivation in the good times and in the bad times.

It is the same with appreciation. People want and need to feel appreciated. It is easy to show thanks and gratitude for the big things, the grand gestures, but what about the little things? The everyday deeds sometimes get lost in the shuffle, and we all forget to give thanks for the simple gestures like refilling a cup of coffee or unloading the dishwasher. Sometimes a husband or wife just needs a little acknowledgment for the sacrifices that are made in the name of the family. A heartfelt thank you can go a long way to making a weary spouse feel less tired and more motivated to get up the next day and push ahead!



Corporate Wellness App


CircleCare employee engagement platform provides companies with a platform and tools to motivate their employees via positive reinforcements and rewards to establish and maintain healthy lifestyle choices.

We generally remember to take care of our family members in times of need, when they are sick or suffering from a harsh defeat, but wouldn’t it be great if we could remember to show that same affection and gratitude in the good times too? When someone is suffering, we take the time to stop and give encouragement, but people also crave to know when they are doing a good job! People wouldn’t feel so lost or alone if they really knew how much the ones in their lives cared for them! It doesn’t take much to show your appreciation, and you may be surprised what a kind gesture can do for someone’s motivation!


Make it a practice to start each day by telling your spouse or significant other that you appreciate the efforts they are making to love and support your family. You can write a little note of encouragement to slip into a lunch bag, have their coffee waiting for them by the door, or even just verbally tell them they are doing a great job! You will be surprised by the positive impact it will have on your loved one’s outlook and daily motivation!


How about those people whom you love that you don’t have the luxury of seeing everyday? You could send a “thinking of you” card by mail, plan a time to have a nice chat by phone or skype, or you could connect via the CircleCare family app and send each other badges of encouragement! Creating a family circle is a great way to give and receive encouragement in a private social network. You can even include the tiniest members of your family without worrying about strangers having access!

Whatever way you decide to connect to those you care about most, just remember how important your affection and shows of appreciation are to those on the receiving end! You may even be surprised at how being a source of motivation to others motivates you to do more with your own life!

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Life needs motivation

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