7 natural home remedies to get over a cold quickly?




Suffering from a nasty cold? Don’t lose hope just yet. Here are some natural home remedies to get over a cold quickly. Read on to learn about them.

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Stay hydrated

When you have a cold, your body gets dehydrated more quickly than normal due to the water loss caused by a runny nose, increased body temperature, or some hidden reasons. So, try to stay hydrated. It will help by clearing up congestion and soothes your throat. You can drink anything like water, tea, juice, milk or lemonade.

Raw Onions

Cold sufferers often eat raw onions. Onions have loads of Vitamin C, Sulfur, Fiber and other nutrients. Onions possess therapeutic properties and according to the WHO they help relieve flu symptoms like cough, congestion, respiratory infections, and bronchitis.

Salt water gargle

Gargling with lukewarm salt water help remove bacteria from the throat and mouth. Mix a quarter or half teaspoon of salt into an 8-ounce glass of water and stir them until the salt is completely dissolved.


Honey is widely known for its cold-fighting abilities. It helps to coat and soothe an irritated throat, which shortens the lifespan of a cold. Honey also helps with a good night’s sleep when struggling with a cold.

Milk and Turmeric

Turmeric is well known for its antioxidant properties which helps with many health problems. Drinking a glass of milk before sleep with turmeric mixed in can help you recover from a cold quickly.

Breathing in steam

Breathing in steam from a boiling pot of water helps release nasal congestion, a dripping nose, and sinus pressure for a short period of time. A humidifier or cool mist vaporizer can also be used to reduce symptoms, such as a sore throat, cough, and congestion.


Always try to blow your nose

Blow your nose to get rid of the mucus. It’s always better than sniffing it back into your head. Try pressing a finger over one nostril before blowing to clear the other.

Some additional home remedies to get over a cold quickly

  • Drinking Ginger Water
  • Drinking Lemon juice mixed with Honey
  • Garlic
  • Milk and Honey
  • Tulsi & Pepper
  • Herbal Tea

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